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gugelhopf with summer berries
  • sweet

Buckwheat and cardamon Gugelhopf tea cake

A beautifully moist cardamon and buckwheat cake

For my sister Rosanna's birthday our other sister Ursula and nieces are coming for an afternoon tea. I decided to make this unusual Gugelhopf because I like the crunchy, nuttiness of the buckwheat and the cardamon flavour. It is also deliciously moist. I serve berries and cream with the Gugelhopf but it's great just by itself. Ideally you should activate the buckwheat by putting it in water for 2 hours, draining it and drying it in the oven at 80˙.

And it's a really good option if you need a gluten-free cake.

  • Ingredients
  • 150 gr activated buckwheat
  • 200 gr unsalted butter
  • 180 rapadura sugar or palm sugar
  • 2 organic eggs
  • 200 gr ground almonds
  • 100 gr plain yogurt
  • zest of 1 organic lemon
  • 10 cardamon pods
  • 2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  1. pre heat the oven to 180 ˚

  2. in your magi mix wizz the buckwheat, it should still have some grainy bits

    magi mix with wizzes buckwheat
  3. remove the pods of the cardamon by cracking them with pestle

    pestle and mortar with whole cardamon pods
  4. add the salt to the peeled cardamon and grind with pestle until fine

    mortar with peeled cardamon and salt
  5. beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy

  6. still beating add one egg at the time

  7. now the yogurt , lemon zest and cardamon, mix well

  8. beat in all the dry ingredients

    finished batter in bowl
  9. butter a Gugelhopf form really well and pour in the batter

  10. bake in pre heated oven for 35-40 minutes

  11. let the cake cool completely before turning it out

    table with decorated cake, berries, strawberries, scones and flowers
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