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ingredients for Gazpatcho
  • appetisers

Green Gazpacho

This cold, green jewel of a soup is perfect for these last hot summer days in Sydney

Gazpacho has many mothers, there are so many different recipes and ways to prepare it. Originally it came from Andalusia in Spain and was not made with tomatoes, as these where introduced into Spain much later.

It is a beautifully fragrant cold soup charged with many fresh herbs. You can chop all the ingredients finely or blend them into a smooth purée. I love the addition of the roasted almonds.

Serve it with crunchy bread and olive oil.

  • Ingredients
  • 2 green pepperoni cored and roughly chopped
  • 2-3 small Lebanese cucumbers also chopped
  • 250 gr fresh baby spinach
  • 1 small celery heart young leaves included also chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 green chilli some seeds removed , chopped
  • 1/2 a bunch each of fresh Italian parsley, basilico and coriander chopped
  • 200 gr toasted almonds
  • 2 tablespoons of good wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 50 gr Greek yogurt
  • salt an pepper to taste
  • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
  1. add all the ingredients into your magi mix

    magi mix with all ingredients still whole
  2. mix everything adding gradually 400 ml cold water

  3. when the consistency is the way you like it, taste for salt and pepper and refrigerate until needed

  4. pour into individual bowls adding an ice cube and a little olive oil

    bowl of gazpacho next to a bowl of ice cubes and some salt
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