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spring greens  with  poached eggs
  • mains

Spring greens with poached eggs

Your microbiome will bless you for this dish

At our local market I found some beautiful cavolo nero and some young asparagus.

This inspired me to make something super- healthy, a boost for my microbiome as I have just had covid and needed a reset.

Poaching eggs is still something I have not completely mastered. I have tried many different ways and this time it worked ! The eggs give a lovely richness to the fresh greens.

  • Ingredients
  • For 2 people
  • 100 gr young cavolo nero, the central spine removed
  • 200 gr baby spinach
  • 3 small bunches of young asparagus use only the top third of the speer
  • 1 medium leek, finely sliced
  • 1 bunch Italian parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 bunch coriander, roughly chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin and turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilly flakes
  • 1 teaspoon sumac
  • 3-4 organic eggs poached
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a little butter and olive oil for cooking
  1. in a little butter and oil cook the sliced leek until sweet

  2. add the spices and cavolo nero and cook stirring for 5 minutes

    frypan with leeks and chopped cavolo nero
  3. now add the asparagus spears that you cut into 2 cm pieces

  4. after 5 more minutes cooking add the spinach leaves, herbes, salt and pepper to taste

    a fry pan with the green vegetables in it
  5. gently cook for a few more minutes until spinach has wilted

  6. poach the eggs

    sauce pan with water and egg being poached
  7. arrange the greens on a plate and lay the poached eggs on top

    greens with poached eggs on top
  8. serve with some crunchy sour dough bread

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